Monday, September 3, 2012

Week 2: Hot, Flat, & Crowded

The chapters in the novel, Hot, Flat, and Crowded  were certainly eye-opening and paint a pretty grim future. While I believe this information is valid and has merit, I believe that concepts impacting our planet should not be politicized, but rather scrutinized using hard, objective science not only to evaluate the problem, but also to propose solutions.  I find it equally non-productive when one side dismisses evidence and call global warming a hoax, while others tell the masses that we should become a vegetarian, grow our own food, and use a bicycle for transportation, while the ruling elite hops on their private jet. We must evaluate both sides.   

We are living longer and eradicating diseases, so consequently the population is growing.  Is population increase necessarily a bad thing?  What is the Earth's limitation before their are not enough resources to support the population? 

There are certainly a lot of problems facing our planet and society as people.  Scientific advancements have addressed a lot of problems that people have asked throughout history and we need to continue to apply these principles to solve these present and future problems.  Moral compliance and cooperation is necessary.  I am confident that we as a people can come up with solutions for the planet's sake!

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